Welcome to the HALE product world!

You are a taxi operator? You have one or more vehicles? You operate an entire fleet?

Then we are your reliable partner when it comes to equipping your vehicles!


With HALE you build on

  • 45 years of experience as a full-service provider and constant companion in the taxi industry,

  • innovative taxi solutions – from taximeter and accessories (e.g. receipt printer) to taxi roof signs to comprehensive app/software solutions for your operational and fiscal data management, e.g. working time recording, driver accounting, fleet management, tracking etc.,

  • technological lead through our direct line to the automotive industry as a close cooperation partner,

  • (legal) security through our orientation to the strict European guidelines for product development and the high requirements of the "automotive industry" as well

  • the unconditional quality standards of our highly qualified team, underlined by our ISO 9001 certification.

We know what's going on in your taxi!
Founded in 1972 as an Austrian family business in the form of a small special workshop, we also entered the German market in 1983. In the course of decades of partnership with the taxi industry, we have been able to convince with quality, competence and service. Today HALE exports to more than 35 countries worldwide and we are the market leader in the entire German-speaking area and many other countries.


We have remained "down to earth": research, development, design and production continue to take place at the company headquarters in Salzburg.

We look forward to you visiting us!

Our solutions for you